Category Archives: Crop Girl Organization

and still more crazy organizing…

of my stuff in general.

This is a Costco buy.  I *heart* Costco.  This bin set was with the garage/manly organization stuff and, yet, I knew it was for me…  So, I got it, put it together with Matt’s help and started to quickly and easily fill it with stuff.  Lots and lots of stuff. 



What I love about this system – different sized bins so it is not all once-size-fits-all, that I can make my own labels to put in, and that it has a super duty top shelf that I can use as well!  I keep a lot on top of it – my idea books, my Stacy Julian inspired photo drawers, and much more.  While it might look a tad industrial, it sure works well for me!  Also, if it is meant to hold heavy duty tools and supplies, it will definitely be able to stand up to some bling and embellies!!!


Filed under Crop Girl Organization

another look at my crazy mind…

Jenn from work got to see this first hand Friday night.  I am sure I look slightly neurotic, but…  this is how I roll…

I am a lover of the Creative Options containers – this is no secret.  One of my very first posts here was about their large paper box organizer.  This one is about my love of the hard sided organization.

Now, prepare yourself.  First, know that I love buttons.  Second, know I love to sort…

Here we go…


This is one of my favorite organizers…  this is only for my buttons…  And, here is how I organize them…




Yes… to answer the questions..

They are sorted by color, as well as by manufacturer.  I have more at home, so when something is running low, I can refill them easily. 

Okay – my neurotic brain is off to think of new labels to create…


Filed under Crop Girl Organization

finally – organization pics!

It has been a crazy week and last night I was finally able to take some photos of my crazy and somewhat obsessive organization skills of my stuff.

This post will be just about my desk.  And this truly is how I am…

I make a project, make a mess, get all my stuff out and then…  I have to put it away.

I cannot start project 2 if stuff from project 1 is still out, even if I might use the same stuff…  it is a thing I have.  Everything has it’s place and it is supposed to be there when I am done.  For the first time, I actually know what I have, where it is, and how many there are.  Another little quirk of mine is that I have a math brain.  I can remember weird sets of numbers – example 14 – the number of Kaiser Bling packages (in assorted colors, of course) that I have (2 black pearl… 1 black bling… etc…)  I kind of have my own internal inventory. 

If it is not where it supposed to be and I know that I have it, it makes my math brain want to explode so,every project starts like this…



Gets like this, then…

room2 ends the way it started again…

Yeah… I am just that Type A…

More to come!


Filed under Crop Girl Organization

holy organization batman!

You guys rock!

Thank you so much for sharing your organizational tips.  There are a lot of good ones in there, too! 

I, however, was a total slacker and got no photos of my organization together and here is why…

Matt’s parents and his aunt and uncle came to visit yesterday.  We spent all day Saturday –  and I actually mean ALL DAY – cleaning the house, getting more boxes emptied and out to the garage, and just getting everything together before they came.  Then, Sunday, I cooked food, we all had a nice afternoon together, then the kids packed up and went to stay at Grammy and Poppy’s house for a few days.

As soon as they left, we ran to the bedroom, put our jammies on and headed back into the living room.  We curled up – Matt watching Duke vs. UNC and I read a book…  then, a transformer blew and we had no power for several hours. 

So…  I slacked off and didn’t get any pics taken or loaded – sorry!!!  I will try very hard to have some for you by Wednesday.

Now for our winner!  I will be sending you out one of my favorite things – a Creative Options box…  Here is a pic…

co(color may vary…)

And congrats to… (drumroll please!) – Linda A!!!

Thanks for all your great tips!  Happy Monday!


Filed under Crop Girl Adventures, Crop Girl Organization

spring cleaning: chipboard winner

Congrats to Kristin in Oh!!!  You are the lucky winner of my leftover chipboard – that just sounds weird…

Anyway, hope you are having a wonderful day…  Have a lot to blog about, but it will have to wait to tomorrow!!!



Filed under Crop Girl Organization

spring cleaning: button winner and chipboard 4 u

Well, the winner for the buttons is Deborah M.!  Please email me your snail mail at and I will send out your prize! 

Also…  this is the final bag of purged goodies that I have.  Now, please note that this is a hodge podge bag with alphas – there are some letters missing.  These are NOT all complete sets, just my leftovers…  Like I said, I am cleaning out stuff!!!


The bag includes some Maya Road goodies, some Rusty Pickle goodies, some Fancy Pants, and more!  If you are interested, just leave a comment and I will draw a winner tomorrow morning!!!  Happy Scrapping everyone!


Filed under Crop Girl Organization, Misc. Stuff...

spring cleaning: flowers winner and buttons, anyone?

Our flower winner is: Dana!

Email me at to claim your bag-o-flowers!

Second…  more giveaways?  Could it be?  Would she?  Yessireee!


Buttons, anyone?  If you love buttons, have I got the bag for you?

Leave a comment here and I will draw a winner Friday morning!


Filed under Crop Girl Organization, Misc. Stuff...

spring cleaning: flowers

Flowers… lots and lots of flowers!!!  I still have a bunch of the them, but had to weed out a few…  they had taken over everything!

So, here is a bag full for one lucky reader…  comment here and I will draw a winner tomorrow morning!



Filed under Crop Girl Organization, Misc. Stuff...

spring cleaning: ribbon winners

Congrats to Alex Fiskateer and Kimberlee (who lost her shopping privileges!).

Email me your snail mail addy at and I will get your ribbon out to you!  Enjoy!


Filed under Crop Girl Organization, Misc. Stuff...

spring cleaning: more

I have been busy today cleaning and have come across some more goodies to share… be sure to check in tomorrow!!!


Filed under Crop Girl Organization